Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"

get 69% ($90) off Problem Solving!

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"

get 69% ($90) off Problem Solving!

Prevent or solve basically any riding or ground work related problem!

Problem Solving And Prevention

The training is system is great for you if:

  • You have a horse that has smaller or bigger issues that you would like to solve
  • You would like to prevent your horse from developing bad habbits
  • You would like to understand how and why the bad habits develop
  • You would like to work with your horse in a simple, easy to understand way, without using gimmicks, harsh punishments and without bribing your horse with treats

In order to solve a problem you need to understand how your horse thinks and what is the true reason he misbehaves. You will also greatly benefit from having someone to consult your progress with.

  • Real problems and real progress

    You are going to see me fixing all sorts of different problems. I am going to be working with horses that had those issues for a certain period of time already and their owners were not able to fix them. You will see what we achieved, and how we achieved it. I will be focusing on the little things that make the difference. You will see how even a correct approach might not work if you don’t get the details right.

  • Every step towards quickly solving all the problems

    You will see all the steps you need to take to solve every particular issue. You will see how long it takes and what problems are you likely to encounter while solving it. All the horses you are going to see really had the problems, no trained horses and demonstrations. Just real horses with real problems. You are also going to discover what to look out for if you have trouble free horse and just want to prevent problems from appearing. You will feel confident and always know what to do.

  • Discover all the hidden mistakes

    You will discover all the “invisible mistakes”. Most of the problems are caused by really innocent things that you would not normally think can cause a problem. You will see how asking your horse just slightly differently can completely change the result. Thanks to all this you will be able to solve the problems peacefully while improving the relationship and trust.

  • Personal support - Ask me anything!

    You will be able to ask me anything in the members area. If you have any problem, I will help you. You can send me videos, pictures or just write a message. My personal lessons are expensive, with the training you get my personal advice free of charge.

  • Understand your horse, improve the relationship and gain confidence

    You will understand your horse on a much deeper level, your relationship will improve and you will feel new found confidence. Your horse will start feeling secure with you. He will stop panicking in scary situations and instead he will rely on you.

  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

    You don’t even have to decide whether you want the training now. Get the training today, use it for a month and then decide whether you want to keep it or not. If you want your money back, just send me and email on radek@invisiblehorsecontrol.com and I will refund you the full amount.

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"

get 69% ($90) off Problem Solving!

Problem solving costs:

$132 $41 USD

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"


Need help? Send me an email on radek@invisiblehorsecontrol.com

You can try the training free of charge for 30 days, if you like it, keep it, if you do not, I will give you a full refund.

Here is what others experienced after getting my training:

Hi Radek,

to give you feedback, I absolutely love your program!!! Your videos and instructions are superb! I watch them over and over. I especially love the blueprint. With it I can find the holes in my horses training and work on getting better step by step. I have a dressage trainer come help me, but it's only once a month, and with one horse.  With your program, I feel like I have my own trainer for my two horses anytime and most importantly now I have a plan!!!

Someday, I will do half passes like you, and send you a video 😄!!!!! Thank you for your help and your program, in advance.. It will be a dream come true for me to do that!

- Julie

I started with the free online videos, and I realized that I was learning a whole heap of new skills. My horses were responding really, really well as well so I decided to go ahead and purchase the next stage.

I am so incredibly happy that I did. I feel like I have definitely progressed.

- Claire

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"

get 69% ($90) off Problem Solving!

Problem solving costs:

$132 $41 USD

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"


Need help? Send me an email on radek@invisiblehorsecontrol.com

You can try the training free of charge for 30 days, if you like it, keep it, if you do not, I will give you a full refund.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q.Is there any limit to how many times I can watch the training or until when?

    A.There is no restriction. You can access the training anytime and watch it as many times as you want. You will receive full lifetime access. For security reasons, you are able to access the members area from five different devices. For example you can watch it from your phone, your tablet, your laptop, your desktop computer and your TV if it has a built in internet browser.

  • Q.Can I watch the training from a mobile device?

    A.Definitely! The members area was tested to work on everything from a phone, to a tablet, a laptop or a desktop computer with various internet browsers. You can even watch the training through an internet browser in most smart TVs.

  • Q.How quickly am I going to get the training after the payment?

    A.You are going to receive an email containing login information immediately after you press the green button above, and make a payment. You can be watching the training within a few minutes from now.

  • Q.Is it going to work for my horse?

    A.Yes, every horse is unique, but the main principles are always the same. I am going to be showing many different types with all sorts of tempers. If you encounter something that you need help with I am also going to be available to personally help you.

Want the training on a DVD?

Problem Solving + DVD costs:

55 USD


Need help? Send me an email on radek@invisiblehorsecontrol.com

Halloween "Spooky Horse Sale"

get 69% ($90) off Problem Solving!